Author Archives: CHS

Election Results Are In. The Big Winner: The Cannabis Industry

An "I Voted" sticker on someone's finger

There will not be a need for recounts. There will be no disputing the results. Marijuana legalization efforts on ballots across the country won in landslide victories. Five more states legalized cannabis in some form or another. In addition, Oregon decriminalized drug possession and voters in Washington D.C. approved a measure to decriminalize psychedelics, showing…

The Unique Challenges Facing a Cannabis Business

The inside of a greenhouse growing cannabis plants

Running a business is generally difficult enough. When you take the challenges of running a conventional business and mix that with complicated laws and regulations that vary from state to state, you have some insight into the unique challenges facing owners of cannabis based businesses. Although it can be highly profitable and rewarding, running a…

Harris Promises to Decriminalize Marijuana and Expunge Records

Harris Promises to Decriminalize Marijuana and Expunge Records

Vice-presidential debates have become little more than a sideshow to the main event over the past few decades, producing little to no fireworks or fanfare, and the recent debate was no exception. Not since Lloyd Bentsen’s mic drop on Dan Quayle when he told him, “Senator, you’re no Jack Kennedy,” has there been a moment…